Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Nissan Xterra Off Road Roof Lights

shambles and

"The best remedy against fear, not optimism. It is the courage and action."


So once again our country is ridiculed in the eyes of all Europe about a pension reform which no one can deny the absolute necessity, it is heartening to read an editorial in which common sense, intelligence analysis and serenity make us forget time to a moment of selfishness, contempt, personal ambition, lying, lamentation, irresponsibility, in a word immeasurable stupidity shown by the government in recent weeks, unions, politicians, right and left confused and the media of course, in this tragi-comedy in which one country has the secret.

Andre Comte-Sponville in the magazine Challenges 7 October regrets pessimism that plagues the country in recent years. The concern of our citizens feeds fear of the future, accustomed to the continuous improvement of their personal situation , "each generation living better than the previous generation." The economic and social situation of the world and France in particular has indeed changed permanently, " we are millions fear that our children have a more difficult life than ours ..... There are fears of a long twilight and tomorrows disillusioned. "

This pessimism expertly maintained by some "should not lead us leave room to depression ..... This is not a reason to abandon the progress and justice ..... As for individual happiness depends on it less material wealth than non-market goods: health, love, family, wisdom, spirituality ... The state in these areas can not guarantee anything, he can not , it should. But we need him to fight together the causes of misery for the part that depends on us: poverty, oppression, injustice, violence, fanaticism, ... THERE BREAD ON THE BOARD AND AS IS BETTER. "

May the irresponsible of all stripes who seek to paralyze our country by fools categorical events, encouraged by sixty-bobo eighters backward and anti-globalization bounded find time to read this editorial that dares take the cons-foot our right-thinking !.... It is possible, unfortunately, doubt it ....

"France can not be France without greatness."

Charles de Gaulle


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