- BP is in bad shape after the explosion of the oil platform in the Gulf of Mexico. One thing is certain, though it does its image is tarnished for a very long time and she can only rely on itself to save what can still be. Between the U.S. government that proclaims loudly that "BP will pay" and the media eagerly awaiting the arrival of oil on the coasts of Louisiana (what a disappointment when "the winds are not favorable" (!) And drove off the oil slick ...), the flexibility of BP is low. One solution, communicate the technical aspect of the problem, which the Anglo-Dutch company has courageously begun to do.
The limitation of this strategy is the technical competence of the media absolutely incapable
properly report the explanations. The example of the problems faced by BP during the installation of a "bell" for recovering oil spills is a glaring illustration. For two days the media are trying in vain to explain clearly what may well mean "the closure of the bell by of HYDRATES "..... Attempts to explain the so-called "experts" are painful to see! BP can only be welcomed, because while the media try to explain this they do not understand the attacks against the oil company cease somewhat.
For those who do not want to "die stupid" it is useful to know that hydrates come in form of ice that forms under certain conditions of pressure and temperature in the presence of water and light hydrocarbons such as methane and ethane are present in the crude oil, in larger amounts elsewhere in the U.S. light oil. Thus the higher the pressure is high and the low temperature, the higher the hydrate formation is favored. The conditions of flight at a depth of 1500 meters (pressure = 150 bars and temperature below 10 ° C) are "ideal" for hydrate formation.
The dissolution of this "pseudo-ice," except by reduction of pressure (difficult under 1500 meters of water!), Is possible by injecting hot water but most of methanol and this technique has proven itself in the refining industry.
No doubt the engineers BP will solve this problem brilliantly and then remove and reduce leakage. It then remains at the oil company to understand what may have happened: human error (competence, vigilance, ....), technical problems (obsolete equipment, inadequate or poorly maintained), safety equipment, inadequate or deficient. ...... The issue is vital not only for BP, but also for the entire profession.
"Theory is when you know everything and nothing works, the practice is when everything works and nobody knows why. If the practice and theory are met, nothing works and nobody knows why.
Albert Einstein
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