"We live very well in France where the dumbest generation in history has already spent all the savings accumulated by previous generations and then borrow the Savings future of his children. "
Charles GAVE
It takes some nerve and / or a good dose of stupidity for all of a sudden offended by the 34% increase in ten years rates of the TGV, Pride rightly concede the technology plan, the SNCF, which vies with the term Social Security unflattering financial abyss.
How the French state's majority shareholder, could he, in fact, other than "by charging these users c. ....." fund notorious "grandfather" and pensions at age 55, sometimes 50, the Mexican army railway braced on these exorbitant and avantanges Each business day, preferably during the holidays, organize multiple rotating strikes "to keep the pressure" (sic )....?
The General de Gaulle said in a moment of discouragement "the French are calves ".... , he might add today, 'cash cows resigned even willing!
"If nothing changes, there is no other way that the decline".
Charles de Gaulle
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