"We are all c. .. power, which may,
at any time, to move to the act. "
Lucien Jerphagnon
Nicolas Hulot , shrewd businessman who surfs shamelessly on the gullibility of human nature (it is always within us a slumbering green ...), just committed a new eco-lucubration demagogic that is breathtaking: "For an ecological democracy" .... written, it seems, after reading a recent book entitled "Towards ecological democracy" of Dominique Bourg and Kerry Whiteside . (Ref. Le Figaro on October 27, 2010).
At a time when France, once again struggling for its economic and social survival, we measure the desirability and urgency of such a proposal! But let us go to our guru of biodiversity: "... this triple crisis economic, environmental and democratic can also be a source of opportunity: to take into account the future in our collective choices we acquiring a new mode of government that can inform decisions today to make them compatible with ecological imperatives and solidarity. This institutional change is inevitable, otherwise, we will undoubtedly continue to replicate a model that increases inequalities and ecological debt "..... and again: ".... The historical perspective of the deployment of participatory democracy and its conceptualization by the moderns, as a corollary of a liberal economy based on the myth of the infinitude of natural resources, shows how we are now at a crossroads "...
He will escape person realism and effectiveness of such a program ...... In a country that is the only one to subsidize the lazy and increasingly taxing work and savings, would not it be better to try to convince the French that such discourses are not the best way to encourage work, helping to take risks and bend the neck to the assistantship? Our country is held hostage by union strongholds fierce defenders of their acquired rights may not have the luxury (?) Fall under the sway of environmentalists bastions equally irresponsible and partisan.
"Any time that this man rote, it is a historical speech ".
Lucien Jerphagnon
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