"Only those unjust inequalities that are not benefiting."
A those behavior infuriates Sarkozy and could push to "go" left in 2011 I recommend reading the weekly column of Yves Kerdrel in Figaro, 30 November: "If you want to laugh (or cry), read the draft Socialist! ". is better understood by reading this document " written in the French counter "why Dominique Strauss-Kahn is dragging their feet to represent the Socialist Party in presidential election of 2011 ....
Thus this famous project "substantive equality" dear to BenoƮt Hamon (!) plan to reduce inequality, not as rightly pointed YDK, trying to "pull the country from above by focusing on when the production of wealth, but by declaring that inequality is intolerable and practicing a policy of redistribution which involves intensive a race to the bottom ". And YDK noting: "Of course, nowhere in this project, it is said to be found where the money for this outpouring of generosity."
Another strong idea and good sense recalled in this column: "In any democracy it creates rights without putting homework. Duty to accept a job, having to perform a civic service, duty to respect the freedom of undertake ...".
Finally, the author criticizes the side draconian this text forget that: "freedom creates de facto inequality and growth only in enable social progress, keep within bounds acceptable inequalities. The problem of project Socialist is that it ignores the concept of freedom, and at the same time the notion of truth. "
This uncompromising analysis ends with this quote of Alexis of Tocqueville : "The French want equality. And when they do not find in freedom, they want into slavery.
hoping the arrival of man (or woman) providential for France, Sarkozy seems preferable to irresponsibility, bigotry and poor socialists, Image of Segolene Royal, "delighted the manger," who knows what else to exist in the media, if not politically.
"Forgive me I only like France."
Charles de Gaulle
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