"Confidence remains
the challenge of our time. "
Discouragement can sometimes overwhelm us facing an often brutal events when man seems to know that hatred, violence, jealousy, fear, distrust, contempt the other ....
Yet the man and the world around it can be quite another thing when one takes the trouble to look, listen to others talk, think, propose, criticize and act responsibly, smiling. ......
have confidence!
The following texts, no relation with each other, can feed this reflection, a little unusual for me I agree! :
"The only statement we can ask, and that experience shows is that music one deserves to be celebrated after the word of God.
What we want to comfort those who are sad or erasable those who are happy, give courage to the despairing, bend the proud, appease lovers, haters soften ,....
What can we find more effective music? ".
Martin Luther , Encomion Musices 1538
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"Be generous as your father generous. St. LUKE
For the world of men can become "ever more human", it must at all costs that man pour in extra mercy. The Will'il really if he does not feel totally helpless when it no longer appeal to the mercy of God or that of his brothers, that he forgets he is a sinner in a world of sinners?
Christian de CHERG "Invincible Hope" (1983)
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....." Who sees only nation speaks as much heart and spirit, and that feels attached by motives far beyond the contingencies political or economic ?".......( 1979).
....." The France as a story, as a collective adventure, as a happiness? Or France without having a right or as a recrimination ?"...... (1998).
Alain PEYREFITTE "Speak, write, act."
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